Programing Post Injury

I posted last week regarding a back injury while deadlifting. I am 10 days post injury and still in some discomfort. I continued to train upper body as normal, but I have been increasing the squat and DL cautiously. Both lifts are at 135 and I will continue to add weight to get back where I was. This may take a week or two, or even longer. I am on the final week of the Hypertrophy Template. After this week I really don’t know how to proceed. I’m kinda in no-mans land. The upper body lifts are fine, but the lower body lifts are a work in progress due to the drastic reset and injury.

I would repeat the hypertrophy template, yet add weight as you had planned to for the squat and deadlift.

Thanks Jordan. I’m hoping I can get the DL back on track for a Push Pull meet in August 18. My original plan was to do the 12 Wk Strength into the meet.

I have almost the exact same question, except I am in Week 7 of The Bridge 2.0 (previously ran 1.0). Weeks 3-6 were normal upper body but pretty much rehab for pulling and squat movements. Would you recommend running The Bridge for a 3rd time in a row to give my lower body movements a chance to “catch up”? Or would you recommend moving on to another template like 12wk strength or HLM?
