Progress stalled due to being underweight. Need programming help.

I am male, 5’11, 67kg, 26 years old. I have been doing Stronglifts 5x5 for three months and progress is slow or stopped. I have plateaued and de-loaded on everything but squats and deadlift. My workouts are taking three hours because I need five minutes between every set. These last three weeks I have started paying serious attention to my nutrition and have began to gain around 1kg per week. I have never ate this much before and it is very challenging.

Current lift numbers (all 5x5 unless noted)
Squat 90kg
DL 110kg
Bench 60kg
Press 37.5kg
Row 45kg
Dips 3x10~ bodyweight
Chin ups 3x10~ bodyweight
I am adding 1.25kg per workout for everything but the DL (2.5kg).

My question is should I change my programming to allow my bodyweight to “catch up”? I cant be in the gym for three hours every workout.

I personally started training with StrongLifts, then went to the SSNLP after the workouts got too long. If you’re still adding weight to the bar every week, then I don’t think it would hurt your progress to switch to a 3x5 program instead. Try that for a month or so and then re-evaluate. It’s gonna take quite a while to put on muscle mass, so you need to keep your training sustainable for the long term.

Drop the dips and switch to the SS NLP.

Also, 147 at 5’11 is seriously underweight. Keep eating at a surplus.

My 2 cents.

I modified the SSLP slightly to keep deadlifts progressing (not enough deadlift volume IMO on SSLP) and cut back slightly on all the squatting (too much squat volume IMO on SSLP). Also my version shortens the length of time the workouts take:

Workout A
Deadlft: 1x5
Press: 3x5
Chin ups: 3 x whatever

Workout B
Squat 3x5
Bench Press: 3x5
Barbell Rows: 3x8

Workouts were not much longer than an hour.

I also agree with @Bear_Bryan 5’11, 67kg is massively underweight. I am 5’10 and 90kgs (a bit fluffy, but at my leanest I was still 76kgs circa 13%-15% BF)