From your article in 2021, 1. The current Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for dietary protein intake in adults is 0.8-1.0 grams per kilogram bodyweight per day. This is insufficient for maximizing strength, hypertrophy, endurance performance, or reducing body fat. We recommend a protein intake of 1.6-3.1 grams per kilogram bodyweight per day.
I’m not sure how I missed this but this has blown my mind a bit. I assume that because I always see things in pounds and not KG I completely overlooked this. The whole time I’ve been trying to get 1 gram per pound of body weight which currently is 183 grams. But according to this, I really only need to be getting 132 or so grams minimum.
this is actually a huge deal for me weight loss wise. After going from 215 down to my current weight of 181-183, I’ve been wanting to lean out a little further to 175 but haven’t been able to figure out how without sacrificing things like fruit and whole grains.
would you expect any issues taking my protein from 183 down to say 150? My biggest issue mentally is not wanting to lose muscle mass.
I do not think there will be any difference in taking in 150g or 183g of protein per day. I typically like a bit higher than 1.6g/kg/day during cutting phases, say 2.0g/kg/day or close to 1g/lb/day. I still wouldn’t expect much difference, if any at all, in altering your protein intake by 33g/day.
Hi Doc, trying to understand your response here. Just from a math perspective, the 33g difference represents a 22% different in protein intake (33/150). That seems like a big number that should make a difference, so I’m hope you can clarify what I’m missing. If someone was fretting over 5-10g (3-6% difference), I would’ve expected your answer. But, almost a quarter difference in intake has me confused. Would appreciate the clarity, thank you.