I’ve been holding onto this question in hopes that I could find the answer myself but I’ve been unable to.
I currently have a limited home gym to include the following equipment.
squat rack, bench, cable pull down/ cable row (Repfitness PR1100 model) a barbell, and a deadlift platform. And of course bumper weights.
Ive been running my own program consisting of two days of stregth specific training, two days of conditioning, and two days of hypertrophy. I’ve been doing this for about three weeks and want to continue for about 8 weeks.
Afterwards I would like to purchase one of your programs, my concern is I don’t want to purchase a program and not have the equipment to actually do the program. What program if any would fit my goals?
1.) BMI reduction (6’1, 98.7kg, Navy BMI 22% current)
2.) maintain or increase strength
3.) increase explosiveness
Would that be a specific program or would it be specialized coaching? I don’t want to be the best at any I just want to improve all. Thanks in advance!
It’s not optimal for your goals (nothing ever is), but the usual suggestion it’s to start with The Bridge. It’s free and a reasonable mean to get acclimated with BBM way of programming.
I don’t need any specialty bars to accomplish the bridge? Like I said I’m pretty limited on equipment at the moment. Still building my home gym up! Thanks for a response t_angerias!
I think that really depends. “Explosiveness” is specific to the movement pattern. “Explosiveness” is not a general adaptation. So in order to program for “explosiveness” we would have to know what movement patterns specifically he wanted to increase “explosiveness” for, and why. So if he just wants to squat, bench, and deadlift more explosively that could be accomplished in those templates by focusing on lifting the weight as fast as possible for each and every rep. If he wants to increase his vertical jump… well no those templates would not be sufficient as written. But adjustments could be made, for instance he could implement some jump training in GPP days to help transfer the strength he builds into jump specific power.
I really need to look at my notifications box…I am looking for all around explosiveness. I am currently in a law enforcement job and I simply want to become more explosive for that 5% chance I need to react and over come an obstacle in a very quick manner.
so i guess you need to train a little bit more like an athlete then, this might include: Plyometrics, oly, sprinting and jumping. Theres actually a 4 weeks oly template, maybe you want to look into it a bit more: https://www.barbellmedicine.com/product/4-week-oly-template/
Well, in your shoes I would probably be placing a very high priority on conditioning, because conditioning levels would be more likely to keep me alive than strength. There are n number of ways to go about this. Reaching out to Alan might be a good start if you have the funds for a consult and/or coaching, as doing Strongman training kind of mixes both strength and conditioning to a high degree. He would probably be your best bet for direction in that regard. If you don’t have the money to spend, you could do something like the 3 day hypertrophy template, while adding in extra GPP and conditioning, as well as potentially adding in a 3rd day of GPP/conditioning where you do a bit more things that are a bit more WODish like plyometrics, calisthenics, etc. I do think that Alan is your best bet though, and they do offer a discount for first responders.