Request for clarification on back-off sets


Some questions on how RPE is applied specifically in HLM 2.0 template and the back off sets.

1. “If the warm up that was supposed to be “6 reps @ RPE 7” feels like RPE 8, then you do not need to do an additional set, but rather you’ve already found your RPE 8 set.”

Does this actually mean that if we are prescribed with:

6 reps @ 7 (76% 1RM)
6 reps @ RPE 8 (78% 1RM)
6 reps @ RPE 9 (81% 1RM)
No back off sets

And hit 6 @ RPE 9 in the second set already, we wouldn’t do 3 sets in total?

2. In the next week, prescription for comp lifts are prescribed as

6 reps @ 7 (76% 1RM)
6 reps @ RPE 8 (78% 1RM)
6 reps @ RPE 9 (81% 1RM)
Take 5% off the bar from 6 @ 9 and do 12 reps (sets of 4-6), No Set > RPE 8

Is there a concrete example what is meant by the fourth line?

Here’s my take: Do 3x4 or 2x6 at weight of <6 @ RPE 9 -5%> and stop when RPE exceeds 8. Is that correct? Why is the rep range variable?

3. Week 5 has Squat with belt programmed with

1 Rep @ RPE 8 (90-92% 1RM)
4 reps @ RPE 9 (86%1RM)
Do 2 sets of 4 reps @ 78%

“Do 2 sets of 4 reps @ 78%”

I assume that is 78% of e1RM. Based on what do I calculate the e1RM though, the 1 rep set?

Thanks in advance.

I’ve found myself if this situation, and what I do is just add a set @8, just to get the volume in. Somewhere between your @7 and @9 set. For example:

Warm ups
410x6@9 (oops!)

It means do 12 reps broken up however you’d like, just make sure you don’t go over RPE 8 on any of the sets. That could be 3x4, 2x6, or 1x5@8 + 1x4@7.5 + 1x3@7.5. Just get 12 reps in.
