HLM Template, back off sets unclear

Hey all, i’m hoping i’m missing something obvious here. In week 2 of the HLM template, Day 1 Excercise 1 is Squat with belt. The back off sets state:
“*Take 5% off the bar from 6@9 and do 12 reps (sets of 4-6), No Set > RPE 8”

Week 3 is the same, but the reps are set to 18.

This seems like an impossible amount of reps to perform at the weight specified. Am i missing something here? Are the reps specified just a “max limit”, and what i should do is just go to the rep count that is around RPE 8 for each of the 4-6 sets?


EDIT: Answsered here!


Thank you “hlm training template” tag :wink: