Question about HLM v2.1

Soo…I was reading HLM template v2.1 that I will start next week and I have a question: on week 2, Squat w/ belt says: "6 reps@7, 6 reps@8, 6 reps @9 and then; Take 5% off the bar from 6@9 and do 12 reps (sets 4-6), no set → RPE 8.
I don’t understand the last part (Take 5% off the bar from 6@9 and do 12 reps (sets 4-6), no set → RPE 8.), should I do between 4-6 sets of 12 reps on RPE 8?

Thanks in advance
PS: Sorry about my english xD


Thanks for the post and sorry for any confusion!

So, I’d have you work up a set of 6 reps @ RPE 9. From there, take 5% in weight off the bar and do sets of 4-6 reps at that weight until you accumulate 12 reps. This could be 2 sets of 6, 3 sets of 4, or any combination thereof :slight_smile:

Hope that makes sense.


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hoo…I see, thank you for the clarification Jordan.
Have a nice day!