HLM version 2 template question

Hi guys
Happy new year!
I am in week 2 of the HLM version 2 template, and have a question about doing the back off sets for the main lifts where it prescribes, take off 5% and do 12/16/20 reps, sets of 4-6 at no more than RPE 8.
Should we aim to make the sets the same number of reps? Does it matter if we do weird reps per set?

For example, this morning I did overhead press, 50kg, 52.5, 55 (top set), then back off ~5% to 52.5 for a set of 6 at RPE 8/8.5, then went for another set of 6 but this one was 9/9.5. Should I have stopped that second set at 4 then had a rest and done another mini-set of 2?

And for later weeks, for example when it is 16, would you aim to do 2 sets of 6 then a 4? or 4 sets of 4? And similar for 20, 4 sets of 5?

OR, am I over-thinking this and it does not really matter?

Thanks very much,

Hi Dace,

Happy new year to you as well!

  1. It doesn’t really matter how many reps are in a set, and it is written this way so you can make the call.
  2. I would have done 4 in the 2nd set, yes. That’s what the note of no more than RPE 8 signifies-use that RPE ceiling to help you decide how many reps you will do in each back off set. You should most certainly not be grinding out reps here.

Thanks very much Leah!