Hi guys
Happy new year!
I am in week 2 of the HLM version 2 template, and have a question about doing the back off sets for the main lifts where it prescribes, take off 5% and do 12/16/20 reps, sets of 4-6 at no more than RPE 8.
Should we aim to make the sets the same number of reps? Does it matter if we do weird reps per set?
For example, this morning I did overhead press, 50kg, 52.5, 55 (top set), then back off ~5% to 52.5 for a set of 6 at RPE 8/8.5, then went for another set of 6 but this one was 9/9.5. Should I have stopped that second set at 4 then had a rest and done another mini-set of 2?
And for later weeks, for example when it is 16, would you aim to do 2 sets of 6 then a 4? or 4 sets of 4? And similar for 20, 4 sets of 5?
OR, am I over-thinking this and it does not really matter?
Thanks very much,