Rich's Training Log


Recently realised I haven’t hit a PR on S/B/D in around 6 years and it’s time for that to change. I have been very guilty of program hopping and switching from bulk to cut without progressing in either direction.

Current stats
Height: 6 foot
Weight: 93kg
Age: 34

Squat: 185kg x 1
Bench: 130kg x 1
Deadlift: 205kg x 1

My goal is to beat all of these whilst dropping around 10kg in bodyweight. My plan of attack is to run the original version of PB1. Depending on how this goes I’ll either repeat, switch to PB2, or purchase one of the more strength focused programs.

DATE: Friday 9th Jan
BW: 93kg

First time squatting in a few months due to a knee injury playing basketball, I expect my strength on this to increase fairly quickly.

75 x 5 @6
77.5 x 5 @7
80 x 5 @8

Seated Press
32.5 x 8 @6
35 x 8 @7
37.5 x 8 @8

Romanian Deadlift
60 x 10 @6
65 x 10 @7
67.5 x 10 @8

Leg Extension
20 x 19 @7
20 x 17 @7
20 x 16 @7

DATE: Sunday 11th Jan
BW: 93kg

75 x 5 @6
77.5 x 5 @7
80 x 5 @8

Front Squat
40 x 10 @6
42.5 x 10 @7
45 x 10 @8

DB Row - MYO-reps
20 x 20@9 on activation set, followed by 3 back off sets

DB Laterals
5 x 13 @7
5 x 12 @7
5 x 12 @7

DATE: Tuesday 14th Jan
BW: 92.5kg

100 x 5 @6
105 x 5 @7
110 x 5 @8

Incline Bench
50 x 8 @6
52.5 x 8 @7
55 x 8 @8

Standing DB Press
10 x 15 @9.5
10 x 12 @ 8
10 x 12 @ 8

Not going to be logging the GPP exercises on here, but I will be doing the following exercises:
Upper back: Neutral Grip Chins
Abs: Rollouts & Decline bench leg raises
Biceps: EZ Bar Curls & DB Curls
Triceps: Rope Pressdowns & EZ Bar Skullcrushers

First session I only managed 21 reps in the 7 minutes for Chins. My goal is to get this number up to 50.

Another goal is to be able to do a rollout from standing.

Date: Friday 17th Jan
BW: 92kg

85 x 5 @8
80 x 5 @6.5
80 x 5 @6.5

Seated Press
40 x 8 @8
40 x 8 @8
40 x 8 @8

Romanian Deadlift
70 x 10 @ 8
70 x 10 @ 8

Leg Extension
20 x 20 @7
20 x 20 @7
20 x 20 @7

DATE: Sunday 19th Jan
BW: 91.6kg

82.5 x 5 @8
77.5 x 5 @6.5
77.5 x 5 @6.5
77.5 x 5 @6.5

Front Squat
50 x 10 @9
45 x 10 @8.5

DB Row - MYO-reps
22.5 x 15@9 on activation set, followed by 2 back off sets

DB Laterals
5 x 14 @7
5 x 12 @7
5 x 11 @7

Hi Rich, is this the first time you have ran PB1? also how are you enjoying it so far? It is a program I am interested in running after I finish the Beginner Template.

Hi jbourde, yes it’s my first time running it. Really enjoying it so far. I’ve not been doing much lower body training recently so the volume is kicking my ass a bit but I’m hoping I get used to it.

That is good to hear! Glad you are enjoying it. It took me a little bit as well to get used to all the volume. I found for me not overshooting rpe was helpful so far.

I over shot my rpe a couple of times and it was tough to recover.

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DATE: Tuesday 21st Jan
BW: 91.8kg

115 x 5 @8
110 x 5 @7
110 x 5 @7

Incline Bench
60 x 8 @7.5
60 x 8 @7.5
62.5 x 8 @8

Standing DB Press
10 x 19 @9.5
11 x 12 @ 6
11 x 12 @ 6

Date: Friday 24th Jan
BW: 91.9kg

90 x 5 @8
85 x 5 @6.5
85 x 5 @7
85 x 5 @7

Seated Press
42.5 x 8 @8
42.5 x 8 @8
42.5 x 8 @8

Romanian Deadlift
72.5 x 10 @ 7.5
75 x 10 @ 8

Leg Extension
22.5 x 20 @7
22.5 x 20 @7
22.5 x 16 @7

DATE: Sunday 26th Jan
BW: 92.8kg

85 x 5 @8
80 x 5 @6.5
80 x 5 @6.5
80 x 5 @6.5
80 X 5 @6.5

Front Squat
52.5 x 10 @9
47.5 x 10 @8.5

DB Row - MYO-reps
22.5 x 19@9

DB Laterals
5 x 15 @7
5 x 12 @7
5 x 12 @7

DATE: Wednesday 29th Jan
BW: 92.2g

120 x 5 @8
115 x 5 @6.5
115 x 5 @6.5
115 x 5 @7

Incline Bench
65 x 8 @8
65 x 8 @8
65 x 8 @8

Standing DB Press
12.5 x 15 @9.5
12.5 x 12 @8.5
12.5 x 12 @9

Date: Friday 31st Jan
BW: 91.6kg

92.5 x 5 @8
87.5 x 5 @7
87.5 x 5 @7
87.5 x 5 @7

Seated Press
45 x 8 @8
42.5 x 8 @8
42.5 x 8 @8

Romanian Deadlift
80 x 10 @ 8
80 x 10 @ 8

Leg Extension
25 x 15 @7
25 x 15 @7
25 x 15 @7

DATE: Sunday 2nd Feb
BW: 92kg

87.5 x 5 @8.5
80 x 5 @7
80 x 5 @7
80 x 5 @7
80 X 5 @7

Front Squat
55 x 10 @9
50.5 x 10 @8

DB Row - MYO-reps
25 x 15@9
25 x 12@9

DB Laterals
5 x 20 @7
5 x 15 @7
5 x 14 @7


Bodyweight doesn’t seem to be dropping at my planned rate of 0.5kg per week so I’m going to make a few changes.

Averages for the past 30 days:
Calories: 2550 (predicted 500calorie deficit)
Protein: 160g (1.8g per kg)
Steps: 8000

Plan: Keep protein at 160g per day but reduce calories to an average of 2400 and increase steps to 10000.

Will re-asses in a few weeks time.