Ring Dips vs. Dips

I train for health.

Should I train Ring Dips or Dips?

In Crossfit, I have only trained Ring Dips.

I would expect no difference in your health whether you trained ring dips or regular dips, assuming you can perform & tolerate them equally.

In other words, this doesn’t really matter – it’s up to your preference.

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But normal dips are more stable than ring dips. So you should be able to train strength better with dips than ring dips. Is that right?

No. Strength is muscular force production measured under a specific set of constraints, e.g. ROM, velocity, reps, etc. to name a few.

For example, a high bar squat 1RM and leg press 10RM are both tests of strength in different contexts. Training for optimal strength in either would look different, but not necessarily “better” for strength (or health) per se’.

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