Shoulder ROM and Squatting

About a year ago, I had my suprispinatus, and infraspinatus repaired, as well as the rear of the labrum repaired (found during surgery and repaired). I have a hard time now getting under the bar for squatting. I’ve read a lot of the BBM medicine stuff on not using precious time on stretching/massage/foam rolling/etc. Is there any special modalities that I could use to increase the range of motion, or is just this something that will take time. I would like to enter a powerlifting meet for my 50th birthday, which is coming up.

It will take time and work. If you can get yourself into a high bar position with a modified grip width (perhaps wider than you may ultimately want), that’d be a place to start.

If you can’t tolerate that right away, I’d probably include some dedicated external rotation work while continuing to work to get into that position over time. You can work with the SSB squat in the meantime for actual squat training, of course

Thanks. I was hoping for the “one magic thing”, or the “hot take” which BBM is known for, lol, but I guess it’s back to just hard work, consistency, and time.