Hey, BBM team. I’m aiming to start BBII next week after wrapping up the second block of Strongman, so I was just looking over week one to see what’s in store and noticed a few things. In many of the exercise slots, it seems like there are conflicting RPE and RIR values. This carries on past week one, actually. There are multiple instances of exercises being prescribed at 6(RPE)/2(RIR). Should I assume that 2(RIR) is a four in those instances? Like the Pendlay Row, for example, is prescribed at 6/2. So is exercise two and three of day one. There are a few other examples that you’ll see by looking it over. Should I just go off the RPE value? Not trying to nitpick, by the way. Just want to make sure I follow this program correctly. Thanks, guys!
Yes, the RPE value is always correct. I could’ve gotten fat fingers on some of the RIR values. If you find errors and email them to support@barbellmedicine.com, I’ll fix them ASAP.
Will do, Jordan.
Thank you! I appreciate it a ton.
Np, dude! The BBII template looks amazing, by the way. Really pumped to start this next week.