Hey BBM,
I just started BB II Block II and noticed that some of the rep ranges are different from the first set to the other set(s). For example, Week 1 Day 1 Exercise 2 says: “5 to 8 reps @ RPE 6/4 RIR. Repeat weight for 1 set of 4 to 6 reps…”
I don’t remember seeing this in Block I so I wanted to see if these are correct? Day 1 Exercise 3 is different in Week 1 (similar to above) than in Week 2 (all sets have the same rep range), so it seems like something is off.
The rep range should be the same as the first, so both 5 to 8 reps in this particular example. Is this in the Excel or the app? If you let me know, I can fix it!
I’m using Excel, so both! lol Love BB II by the way. Compared to BB I, it’s the rep range varieties, more strength work, and the double progression that really do it for me. I find hitting a rep range with a certain weight is so much less stressful, psychology, than trying to get the weight on the bar just right each time. The flexibility is so much more enjoyable to me.
There isn’t a specific thread for it, no. If you guys find stuff, shoot us an email at support@barbellmedicine.com. Those edits get passed on very quickly so we can get them fixed!