Splitting workout up into two sessions per day?


I was wondering if I split my workout up into 2 sessions per day, would this interfere with my recovery. For example, doing my main lift at noon and doing the assistance work in the evening of the same day. These sessions would be around 20 minutes each. I am almost 40 years old now and optimizing my recovery and hormones is a concern. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

If this makes it possible you to train and it is your best option, then I’d do it. You would want to remember that your assistance work MIGHT need to be tempered a bit, meaning if you train all of the lifts in one session, the BBM template assumes that you will carry some fatigue into the 3rd lift of the day. You might feel less fatigued in the evening session, or you might not. Haha. But I’d suggest really keeping tabs on your RPE so you aren’t overshooting it in an effort to push the supplemental lifts. At 40, you are just fine, and both training and recovery will improve with time and work.