Squat depth/ form check

Good evening,

Filmed part of the squat session today (wk 9 beginner template). Videos are from a warmup to 1@8 and the 1@8 (110kg) itself. The problem I have, is I feel like I’m going well below parallel. But looking at the videos I see I’m not even or just hitting parellel. Any tips for this?
Feedback about other points is also very welcome!



I struggled with this for awhile–what I did may not be the best approach but I would do extra warm up sets and use the weight to help me “sit” as far down as I could…then I’d push further and further each time. I didn’t actually decrease my set weights during this process and eventually my working sets were at depth.

The other thing that helped was trying a variety of stances–wider, narrower, toes pointed more out, etc. Just keep taking videos and, in between sets, watch them and adjust.

There are some people who ATG their first squats, we just happen not to be those people my friend :stuck_out_tongue:

Next time you film these, consider setting the camera at about a 45 degree angle behind you. That way, your foot position and knee position are also visible.

It’s hard to tell from the angle, but are your feet at shoulder distance? They might be a bit wide.

Make sure you are shoving your knees out to the sides as well.