Squat stance with nuances

I usually squat with a shoulder width stance, toes pointing out slightly, this is my most comfortable way to squat, but
It is not the strongest. When i widen out my stance and point my toes straight forward, squat doesnt become as comfortable, but suddenly i can lift more weight.

I feel like my joints are tighter in that position, like i am getting some sort of weird rebound. I can barely hit depth with this stance but again, it seems so strong and tight in the hole, where as with my old stance i find it really hard not to relax at the bottom and take a nap basically. (Jordan squats in a similar fashion if i recall correctly)

I have literally never seen anyone mention any inherent advantages to rebounding off your? Whatever the heck i am rebounding off. Any thoughts? Can someone explain to me what is going on here mechanically, i asked Rip but he just referred me to a book Supple Leopard, no idea what that is about. Also, the only place where i have seen this being mentioned is in starting strength 3rd edition

Quote - One occasionally sees powerlifters squatting with a wide stance and their toes pointing
almost forward. Some really strong powerlifters do this to increase the joint tightness and resultant
rebound obtained by placing an additional twist on the knee and hip ligaments.

Got a video of both?

I don’t think you’re using your ligaments for additional rebound, in either case.

Alright, took these two today, wasnt gonna squat but just for technique demonstration

Wide stance

Narrow(ish) stance (old one)

I noticed that its almost like my hip is resisting flextion by itself (Squat suit done raw :open_mouth: :O?) So it’s likely a style i am going to be using in the future, it feels pretty tight

Yea, the wide stance looks pretty good and not excessively wide to me at all. Carry on.

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