Starting the 12 Week Strength Template - Looking for Advice

This year I’ve run the Texas Method and The Bridge 1.0. Subjectively, I’ve much preferred The Bridge. The weeks don’t feel like a grind, I don’t dread Monday’s squats, the stress dosages feel more appropriate, and the use of RPE gives me a better feel for what I’m really capable of doing. Next week I’m starting the 12 Week ST. Just looking for any advice from BBM folks who’ve run it before. Thanks!

Any specific thing you are wondering about or want advice on? I’d recommend you to do Week 0 to get accustomed to the 4 day schedule but other then that… just go for it!

Edit: A few more things

  • Stick to the percentage drops for comp lifts - which is different from The Bridge.
  • I really liked this warm up protocol for the singles: warm up in sets of 5, until you hit -20% of your projected 1@8, do a set of 5 here (that’s your first back off set done). Then do a single at -10% from your 1@8, then do your 1@8.

Right on!

After I finished the Texas Method, I felt so worn down that I contemplated moving to a 2 day per week routine, which is something like what Alan Thrall describes in his “I Was Undertrained” YouTube video:

Thankfully, I discovered BBM before I made that mistake and I quickly transitioned from TM to The Bridge. What you’ve noted about the increased volume/training frequency at appropriate stress is spot on.

Can’t wait to start the 12WKST.

How far into the bridge are you? I’m currently in week two so only just getting started but I don’t think I have ever squatted so much in my life. I thought it would be tough but it’s the part of the program I’m enjoying the most. It’s taking a little getting used to in terms of both volume and frequency but once my body adjusts I’m hoping for some good results.

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I have the tempo squats tonight but only 2 top sets. Did you find them tough on your lower back? I do feel them on my quads but towards the end of the heavy sets I get more in my back. Could be my form or the heavy deadlifts that go before. How did you find the bridge ?

For me, the tempo squats were the “hardest felt” of all the lifts and variations on the Bridge. My lower back definitely felt taxed.

I’ve used SL5x5, 5/3/1, and the Texas Method and I think the Bridge is superior, not only as a stand alone program, but also as a program that communicates certain programming principles that empower a lifter to train well into the future.

I’m so glad you said that the pause squats hit your lower back because I have the same issue, that and feeling like I’m about to pass out. I don’t stop the set due to not being able to get the weight up it’s more because if I don’t I will end up in sleepy town or my back is so painful I can’t continue. I finished my workout 3 hours ago and my back is still sore. I will increase the weight next week and see if I can get my quads to fatigue before my back. My back is going to hurt anyway if I go light or heavy so let’s see what happens.

This is interesting. I have the impression that my legs are relatively stronger than my back. However, on tempo squats, I have very little problems with the back, and legs get really sore.

I might double check your RPE.

I do feel the tempo squats in my quads but as I said on the final few reps it’s my back, which I’m sure is not the intention of the exercise. If my back wasn’t hurting I could do more reps so my RPE is most likely out in relation to my quads but not my back. My thoughts on adding weight was that I could get to the point where my quads and back give out at the same time.