Alright i need a Rx from one of the docs…i can pull max effort weight (conventional DL) pretty fast off the floor, id say about to the knee. from there, if i can grind it up past the knee to about the low quad area i can lock it out easily. the sticking point is right below the knee, if i fail, its there. i train comp DL once a week with a top single and 5 back off sets. and i train a pull variant for 4x6 later in the week.
any advice for a person with this area of weakness to improve on DL???
male 34, 470 max pull, 365x5x5 most recent volume PR.
not sure if it posted my response, but i said i think im keeping my back flat until i reach that sticking point, then i feel a little rounding (although video doesnt show much rounding)
There’s definitely some rounding off the floor, though that typically results in more of an apparent “sticking point” above the knees, closer to lockout. That may be contributing here, but otherwise the technique looks decent. I think it’s just a case of needing to get stronger, to be honest