Strength and Supertotal

Currently running PB 1 and really liking it - just started week 8 and am feeling very happy with my progress. However, starting in January I’ll have 3 months where my (job)workload would allow me to really dedicate more time and resources on a program like Strength 1, something that I may not be able to do come spring and summer, when work really kicks into high gear and I’m super busy.

Basically, in my place, would you run PB 1 again, or jump on Strength 1 since you’ve got more time to focus on pure strength gains.

Aaaaand while I’m here what are your thoughts on Titan 1 as a 3-day supertotal program? Dropping the Crossfit type work and swapping in another programs GPP+cardio.

(I’ve yet to purchase the Supertotal program itself, but I know that’s a 4 day lifting program and I can currently only commit to a 3-day lifting program #weak)

Thanks for all you do!

I don’t think there’s a huge difference in total training stress between PB I or Strength I. If you’re making good progress, I’d be hard to change the programming right now.

Titan 1 could work as a sort of supertotal program, but would need more powerlifting stuff in there to make it work. I’d probably pick up the supertotal program and rearrange it to fit your schedule. It would look like:

Day 1: Squat priority, clean, bench supplement
Day 2: snatch, bench priority, front squat/similar supplement
Day 3: deadlift priority, bench supplement, overhead press supplement