Titan adjustments

Hi there,

currently running Titan I and enjoying myself while making slow but steady progress on a cut. Nice!
I plan to rerun the template until I get tired of it and have a few questions on how to tweak it for the future.

  1. I only have one hour per day, so I started moving the presses and supplements to the rest/GPP days. Only Sunday is off day. I drop the Wed SQ and LISS. Is that a reasonable setup? Will only one rest day bite me down the road? Will my squat stall?

  2. What is the purpose of the High-pull + PC? Is that just to ease into the cleans and I can just do those once I’m proficient? Or how does the high-pull fit in?

  3. I also have the Hypertrophy template: Would it make sense to run a hypertrophy / titan frankenstein, with titan lifts but hypertrophy volume/reps? (not on the oly stuff, but the strength parts)

  4. I want to cycle in jerks. I’m guessing alternate them with the push press. Should that be done weekly or also in multi-week blocks?

  5. Would it make sense to add singles @8 to prepare for PRs in the final three weeks?

Thank you!


  1. That’s fine, though I’d probably alternate the press and SQ to make sure each are getting equal attention.
  2. To improve technique in the clean and power cleans. I think high pulls and, specifically, the high pull + clean or power clean complex can be useful.
  3. I would not run a Frankenstein template, no. There’s plenty of volume for hypertrophy in the Titan template, but you’re expending a lot of resources on conditioning, OL, gymnastics, etc. vs focusing purely on hypertrophy.
  4. I wouldn’t cycle them, no. There’s jerk work in the Titan template though.
  5. No, I don’t think so.


Got it, thank you!

Just checked and not seeing any jerks, though. except for one supplement metcon containing them, there’s only push presses programmed, no?)

Ah, I was thinking about Titan II.

Can I ask, what are you strict pressing and push-pressing these days? How about cleans? I’m just curious before making a recommendation.

last week was low stress week (week 6) and I did 58.5kg for 5@8.5 strict.
pushpress 75kg for 5@9 the week before.

my presses have always been relatively weak, I think:
DL 152.5kg 6@9
SQ 122.5kg 6@9

ah, and power clean 90kg 3@8