Strength III - Template Update?

Hey Jordan,

Recently you updated a bunch of templates and I own most of them, but I was wondering being you updated Strength I and Strength II, I was wondering if there were plans to update Strength III ?

I’ve run it a bunch of times now and will run it again in the future (going through the updated PBII atm) , but I kind of want to hold out if there is an update / refresh of it coming.

I’m tempted to buy Strength II just to see how the updates effect that, assuming there were some changes in the programming of course. I don’t own the previous versions of Strength II to even compare if I did that.

It’s coming, likely in the next few weeks.


is there planed a Update for the Time Crunch and Pivot Template?

Thank you in advance.

I wasn’t planning on it at the moment, but that may change.

Oh this sounds great…i look forward for this Update.

BR and stay strong

Hey Jordan!

Apologies for bumping a older post first. I wasn’t sure what other method to use outside of just using the original post to ask again.

Got PBIII and Low Fatigue templates today so that will keep me busy, but I keep checking for that updated SIII template.

As you said, likely when will it get updated?

Not so important note: I often report issues with the templates such as typos, etc. PBIII looks flawless so far :wink: