New template clarifications - Strength 2.3

Totally possible I’m being dense but a few questions:

  1. New Strength 2.3 appears pretty similar to latest available Strength III - are they roughly interchangeable or what is the differentiation?
  2. Strength 2.3 unable to select kilos if this was meant to be made available
  3. Unable to input half RPE increments - intended?
  4. Do you plan to update Strength III? Thanks!

I’m not exactly sure what you mean, as the Strength II template (e.g. Powerlifting II or Strengthlifting II) is version 4.0 and Strength III is 1.1

Strength II and III are not interchangeable, as the volume, intensity, etc. are all much different in the latter. We did add exercise selection to Strength II though.

All templates are now unitless, so you don’t need to select kilos. Half kilo increments also work on Strength II and III, so I’m not sure what you mean.

Yes, Strength III will eventually be getting an update.

This is what I’m looking at on my account and the template downloads as lbs only and no exercise selection. I see now that you don’t have “Strength II” for sale - I just went straight from your newsletter to the template page. That must be where the confusion comes from.

I’m legacy here! 12 week strength must be og and not “Strength II” either, didn’t think I had bought II in the first place… ok, making more sense now.

That also explains why V2 looks so similar to Strength III!

Jordan, I redownloaded Strength II (Powerlifting II) and don’t see an exercise selection tab. Odd.

That makes more sense!

Yea, I had confused that with a few other templates where I built in exercise selection. Sorry for the confusion.