Strengthlifting II Questions

Hello, I bought strengthlifting II some months ago and i have some question:
is there a way of make the program 18 weeks? How could I add more volume in development phase? I know that adding more volume would interfer in my strength gains, but there is a way of do it? I wanted to add some upper/lower accessory.

You could do weeks 2-4 twice week 1 again then 5 twice.

So 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 1 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13. 18 total weeks.

Or you could do the simple thing and do the first block of one of the hypertrophy templates before starting the strengthlifting template.

As for adding volume to one of the strength templates. If you want you could probably just throw a movement on the end of a session for like two to three sets of 12-15. I don’t think you need too since you’re already going to be in the gym for like two hours but it’s probably not something you need plan meticulously for.

The low stress weeks work as pivot weeks. So you could run the developmental blocks, with the low stress weeks, multiple times if you’re making good progress with them. Maybe halfway through do a week from the specialization block.