Stretching and recovery/injury risk reduction

Hello, I do not stretch.
I used to static stretch all the time and had hip pain and knee pain and don’t know why…maybe too much IT band stretching. Now I do not stretch and have 0 pain or issues in the gym. I do my warm up/working sets and then go right home. No foam rolling or anything.

There are some people at my gym who are very adamant that I stretch for injury reduction/recovery purposes and I have heard through barbell medicine that stretching, static or dynamic, does not improve recovery or reduce injury. I have been looking on google scholar for a while to find information to support this theory but have failed.

Are there a few current studies/ meta-analysis you could link me to in order to have concrete facts to back up this statement? I just wouldn’t feel right standing by not stretching if I don’t know why I am doing it. Thank you.

I hear you, but I’m not sure you need to justify what you do to everyone that doesn’t do it.

But I agree with Dave, that you don’t need to justify anything to these people at your gym, no matter how “adamant” they are about your training.

Thanks for the link…I agree too I just wanted a better understanding of why i am not stretching from a scientific standpoint.

The two articles I tend to reference most are:

​​​​​​The effectiveness of exercise interventions to prevent sports injuries: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials - PubMed

​​​​​​Increasing Muscle Extensibility: A Matter of Increasing Length or Modifying Sensation? | Physical Therapy | Oxford Academic

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