Foam Rolling/Mobility

So, I know where you all stand on stretching. I assume you mean static stretching. In your view does some quick dynamic or foam rolling done before or after training help, or do you put that with static stretching in terms of usefulness?

Depends what you mean by “dynamic stretching”. Squatting with the empty bar could be considered a “dynamic stretch,” for example.

We consider post-workout foam rolling to be about as useful as static stretching (i.e., not useful). And while pre-workout rolling may help you “loosen up” subjectively, we just see that as an inferior way to do so compared to more warmup with the actual movements you’re training, both from a time management and a specificity standpoint.

Of course, some people have all the time in the world to train and simply want to Do What Feelz Good, which is fine too.

So, I’ve had tightness and light discomfort in my back for years. I have found some foam rolling/lacrosse ball rolling at night to be helpful with my back, and I am doing dead hangs in between squat sets and those have helped my tight back as well.

But yeah - warm ups with the empty bar are very helpful as a pre-workout.


I can see the point… But what about a foam rolling & mobility session on the off days?

It won’t help recovery, it doesn’t decrease injury rate, and costs you time. I’d avoid it.

Well, my Leopard book won’t like it. :wink:

But thanks for your honest comment.

I have hip and back pain and poor mobility in my hips I think the pain is caused by the tightness in my muscles so I use the foam roller and stretch I have worked out with Wieghts for 35 years aways squattedd Deadelifted and benched I can walk into a gym and go straight to the bar and warmup and squat it is all the same but how do I rid myself of the constant hip and back pain? I have no money for massage and the local doctors are crap? If I don’t manage to fix it myself it’s literally a constant pain in my arse.