Week 2
SUN 30SEP2018
Body Weight : 101.7kg
Squat: 55kg 5/5/5
Bench: 45kg 5/5/5
Deadl: 68.5kg 5
This is the first squat session that took some lower body effort (last 2 reps of final work set slowed down). Happy with form and bar position.
Deadlift feeling heavy too. Improved grip this time, also making sure not to bring shins to bar until after taking grip. Consistently putting bar down in same place now.
TUE 02OCT2018
Body Weight : 101.2kg
Squat: 60kg 5/5/5
Press: 42kg 5/5/5
Deadl: 73.5kg 5
Today was the 1st day I felt not 100% recovered from previous session - more soreness I think than fatigue. Whatever it was it was completely forgotten once I got into squat warm-up.
I have some 1.25kg plates on the way by courier from Bangkok, for today I had to press 42kg using those 1kg velcro ankle weight thingies on the bar. It turns out this was enough weight anyway. I got through by focusing on a solid valsalva, and also fixed the left wrist extension thing from last week. Last rep of the day was a little wobbly but overall felt good.
I tried some hook grips during deadlift warm-up for fun. Today I really focused on valsalva in addition to the 5-step setup progression - this made 73.5kg go up easier than I lifted 68.5kg last session. As a minor improvement I wore thick socks and pulled them up for deadlift so I am more inclined to make good contact with the bar on the way up.
THU 04OCT2018
Body Weight : 101.8kg
Squat: 65kg 5/5/5
Bench: 50kg 5/5/5
Deadl: 78.5kg 5
I have intentionally lifted my calorie intake as I was still dropping weight quite quickly over my first 2 weeks of training. I want to make sure I am eating enough BEFORE it limits my progress, and I want to get a good handle on exactly where ‘maintenance’ is for me at the moment.
Squat no problems, I am confident I can keep adding weight and squat ‘fahves’ across the week as per the program.
Reviewing a bench coaching video this week I realized that I have basically been doing ‘close grip bench presses’ up till now. Much easier with a wider (standard) grip now. My 1.25kg plates arrived, but stayed in my gym bag for now.
For deadlift i had to breathe a few times between reps of work set. I may be approaching the point where I need 5lb jumps in weight instead of 10lb (i don’t really know because this is all new to me). I have 3 days break now, so will try for another 10lb next session and see how it goes from there. I only practiced hook grip on 1 light set today, I am still a long way from needing this and I have plenty of other things I need to concentrate on for this lift at the moment.
I tried out some power cleans with the empty bar, mainly getting comfortable with the rack and hang positions. I will keep the deadlifts going for 3 days a week until I can no longer progress each day.