Moved here from the SS forums. Goal is to run Bridge 1.0 followed by 7 Week GPP Hypertrophy Template all while dropping 20-25 pounds and/or 4 or more inches from my waist. Then I’d like to run the 12 week strength program while gaining little if any weight and shoot for PRs in the spring.
Ran an LP after knee surgery (in May) to get up to 320x3x5 squat, 232.5x3x5 bench, and 405x5 deadlift (on Friday). I set an admittedly arbitrary goal of LP-ing back to a 315 squat and 405 deadlift before I do something about the fat I accumulated last winter, so here we go.
I’m gonna try to run 2 conditioning days a week from the get-go since I’m already doing one day/week of LISS stationary bike. I’m also gonna do a bit more volume this first week because I’m not super beat up from the LP (could have milked it out more) and don’t want to detrain.
Aug. 20
BW: 237.0
Height: 6’3"
Waist: 40"
255x5 @6
275x5 @7
295x5 @8
295x5 @8
295x5 @8.5
175x4 @7
185x4 @7
195x4 @8
205x4 @8
210x4 @9
Rack pull, mid shin:
275x7 @7
295x7 @7
315x7 @7
365x7 @8
Squats felt good form-wise. I had been sticking/grinding a little bit when I did 315 and 320 with the LP so these were refreshing. Shoot for 300 next week. I haven’t messed with CGBP much and spent some extra time dialing the weight in, so I called it good with the prescribed single set @9. 215 should be in the cards for next week, if not 220. Rack pulls required some finagling–I had to put the safeties in the lowest position and then stack 4 bumper plates to stand on to get the bar to upper-mid shin. I might stack another plate to get the bar lower, or try using 2 or three plates in two piles on the floor to put the loaded barbell on like a block pull. They felt really good though. Also spend some time dialing in the weight so called it good with one set. 375 seems like a reasonable reference for next week.
Aug. 22
BW: 234.0
Waist: 39.25"
Paused Squat:
245x4 @7
265x4 @8
275x4 @9
275x4 @9
275x4 @9
115x5 @7
125x5 @7.5/8
125x5 @7.5
130x5 @8
130x5 @8
Barbell row:
115x8 @8 (unrested)
135x8 @7.5
135x8 @7
145x8 @8
Just getting used to RPE again. Next week shoot for 280 paused squat, 132.5/135 press, and 150/155 row.
Aug. 23
BW: 232.8
Waist: 39.5"
Curls (EZ curl bar) x8 minutes
Planks x7 minutes (45s plank, 45s rest, repeat)
Stationary bike (recumbent) x30 minutes
Aug. 24
BW: 232.2
Waist: 39.5
315x5 @6
355x5 @7
365x5 @7.5
375x5 @8
T&G Bench:
185x5 @6
205x5 @7
225x5 @8
225x5 @8
225x5 @8
3-0-3 Squat:
Misloaded 365 for deadlift, meant to load 375. Then pulled 375 and started feeling some low back fatigue so stopped after the prescribed 1x5@8. I thought the program was for touch and go bench but now that I look at it it is supposed to be 1 count paused. That said, I might just keep it at touch and go since I have no plan to compete in powerlifting any time soon. The 3-0-3 squat was easy strength-wise at 185, but I was huffing and puffing by reps 7 and 8. I’ll keep trying them but am looking forward to week 5 when they are replaced with no belt squat.
Aug. 25
BW: 232.6
Waist: 39.25
BB Row x8 minutes (sets of 10-15)
Planks x7 minutes (45s on, 45s off)
C2 rower 20s sprint q2 mins for 12 minutes
I like barbell rows a lot better at higher reps; can feel it more in my upper back and biceps which makes me feel like I’m doing it right. I tried to do a sitting tuck hold but I’m definitely not at that level yet, so I just planked again. I’d like to find another isometric ab exercise to rotate in; might try hanging tuck hold next week. I really liked the rowing intervals and hope I didn’t overdo it.
Aug. 27
BW: 236.2
Waist: 40"
260x5 @6
280x5 @7
300x5 @8
300x5 @8
300x5 @8.5
185x4 @7
205x4 @8
215x4 @8.5
220x4 @8.5
220x4 @9
315x7 @6
345x7 @7
375x7 @8
375x7 @8
Felt like something was impinging in my posterior right knee on deep flexion of squats but went away after a few sets. 305 is reasonable for next week. CGBP should be 225 next week. Did “rack pulls” block pull style with the bar and plates sitting on stacks of one 45 and one 25 pound bumper plate each. 380+ next week.
Aug. 29
Waist: 39"
Paused squat:
245x4 @6.5
270x4 @8
280x4 @8.5
285x4 @9
285x4 @9
115x5 @6
125x5 @7
135x5 @8
135x5 @8
135x5 @8
135x5 @8.5
135x8 @7
150x8 @8
150x8 @8
150x8 @8
Thinking about going straight down, squeezing down, seemed to help keep the bar path on rails. I noticed that I’ve been forcing my knees out a bit too far (past my toes) and found that letting them go where they want (right over my feet) made me feel tighter through my posterior chain (add 5 pounds next week). Press felt great; I felt like my layback was good, from the hips and not the spine, while keeping a tight belly (add 2.5 pounds next week). I’m not confident in my RPE gauge for rows because it seems like I could get infinitely more reps if I cheat them just a bit more. I guess I’ll keep adding weight until they become more lower body than upper body (add 5 pounds next week).
Aug 30
BW: 232.0
Waist: 39.25
Curls x8 minutes (sets of 8-10)
Planks x7 minutes
Bike 30 minutes
Resisting the urge to track and add weight/time to curls and planks. I went a little heavier on curls and a bit longer on planks–did a couple 1 minutes sets, a couple 45s, and finished with a 1:15 set. Always surprised on how much faster I go on the bike after a few minutes–started out sluggish making ~160 W, cruised at ~250 W for most of the way with the last 5-10 mins between 300-400 W.
Sep. 3
BW: 235.2
275x5 @7
305x5 @8
305x5 @8.5
300x5 @8
185x4 @7
205x4 @8
230x4 @8.5
232.5x4 @9
230x4 @8
352.4x7 @7
385x7 @8
385x7 @8
Sick with a cold. Had to workout at another gym due to school gym being closed for labor day. Last rep on second set of squats got a lot slower, so I took 5 pounds off for the last set. Felt good; consider 305/310 next week. Not sure what’s going on with CGBP. It felt way too easy. Consider 235 next week. Block pulls bruised my knees and shins; need to control the bar a bit better, and I might be breaking at the knee to early on the eccentric. Maybe try a 5 pound jump next week for 390.
Sep. 5
BW: 233.6
Waist: 39.5
Paused Squat:
255x4 @7
275x4 @8
290x4 @9
290x4 @9
285x4 @9
115x5 @6
125x5 @7
137.5x5 @8
137.5x5 @8
137.5x5 @8
137.5x5 @8
135x8 @7
155x8 @8
155x8 @8
155x8 @8
Knees feeling good today. First set of squats felt like 9 when I did it, but then felt like I could do it again for the second set, which was harder but I still know I had another rep. So I think I mis-rated the first set. Shoot for 295 next week. Presses have been feeling great–wonder if its the CGBP. 140 next week. Try out 160 on rows next time.
Forgot to log a workout here from Aug 31:
BW: 232.0
Waist: 39.5
315x5 @6 (no belt)
355x5 @7
385x5 @8
385x5 @8
385x5 @8
185x5 @6
210x5 @7
230x5 @9
225x5 @8
225x5 @8.5
3-0-3 Squat:
185x8 @7
205x8 @8
205x8 @8
I took a slightly narrower stance on the last set and I felt way stronger/tighter. It was also easier on the grip. The first two sets I had to switch to mixed grip on reps 4 or 5, but on the last set I could hold the bar for all 5 reps and even held it for a few seconds at the end of the set. 390/395 next time. Overshot bench; should have done 227.5 which is where I’ll look to be next time. I went sans belt on tempo squats and I think it helped me breathe better. 210/215 next time.
Sep. 6
BW: 232.4
Waist: 39.5
Curls x8 mins
Planks x7 mins
Bike 30 mins
Curls felt easier today with 70 pounds; was easily getting sets of 10 when 8s used to make me struggle. Upped planks to 1 minute on and 45 sec rest, with one long rest followed by a last set of 1:15 plank.
Weight loss seems to be going well during the week but I’ve been fucking myself over on the weekends. Gonna have to rein it in.
Sep. 7
BW: 231.6
Waist: 39"
315x5 @6 beltless
365x5 @7
390x5 @8
390x5 @8
390x5 @8
185x5 @6
205x5 @7
227.5 @8
227.5 @8
227.5 @8
3-0-3 Squat
185x8 @7
210x8 @8
210x8 @8
Started off moving a little slow but once I got warmed up I was super energized. 390 was refreshing; 395/400 next week. I benched a finger-width narrower than my usual grip (usually ring finger on ring, now pinkies on rings). It felt easier to get my upper back tight. I’ll continue with this grip and maybe walk it in a bit more over the next few weeks. 230 next week. Tempo squats suck, and since they suck, I hope they are doing something good for me. 215 next week.
Sep. 8
BW: 232.6
BB rows x8 mins
Hanging tuck holds x7 mins (4 sets of 30s w/ hips at 90 degrees)
C2 rower HIIT (12 mins)
Hanging tuck holds were harder than I thought but I didn’t get as sore as I thought I would be. Might try more frequent 20s holds next week. I weighted down the front of the rower with a 45 pound plate so I could pull a lot harder, and consequently I was wiped out by the 6th interval. Try to add an interval or two next week.
Sep. 10
BW: 231.0
Waist: 38.75
255x5 @6
280x5 @7
310x5 @8
310x5 @8.5
305x5 @8
305x5 @8
205x4 @7
215x4 @8
235x4 @9
230x4 @8.5
230x4 @9
365x7 @7
385x7 @8
405x7 @9
395x7 @9
Had to put an extra stack of 45 pound plates in front of my make-shift “blocks” so the bar wouldn’t roll off the front. Not the best solution but will have to do for now. I think I’m gonna stick with CGBP instead of the prescribed 3ct bench, but I may do the pin bench when it comes time for it.
Sep. 12
BW: 230.2
Waist: 38.75
Paused Squat:
255x4 @7
275x4 @8
295x4 @9
290x4 @9
285x4 @9
125x5 @7.5
135x5 @8
135x5 @8
135x5 @8
135x5 @8
BB row:
135x8 @6.5
160x8 @8
160x8 @8
160x8 @8
160x8 @8
Tried cuing “hips open” which made my knees go out but felt stronger than when I cue “knees out”. Also seemed to help a bit with this left sided hip flexor tightness/slight pain I’ve been having during squats (impingement?). Presses felt heavier than I hoped they would today. Tried a finger-width narrower grip on rows which put my elbows closer to midline, made my upper back feel tighter, and made me feel like my lats were contributing more to the movement.
Sep. 13
BW: 230.6
Waist: 38.75
Curls x8 mins
Planks x7 mins
Bike x30 mins
Did 3 sets with 80 pounds, then a couple with 70, then a couple with 60. Definite progress. Planked 1:30 for the first set then a couple for 1 min, I think one at 45s, last for 1:15. I think it would be good to work up to the first plank being 2 mins, then try to make my second plank longer, until I can do three sets of 2 min planks in 7 mins (30s rests).
Sep. 14
BW: 230.4
Waist: 39"
370x5 @7
395x5 @8
395x5 @8
395x5 @8
185x5 @6
210x5 @6.5/7
230x5 @8
230x5 @8
230x5 @7
230x5 @8
230x5 @8.5
Tempo squat:
215x8 @8
215x8 @8
Took bench grip in to pinkies a finger width inside ring. On the third set I really focused on cuing tight lats and got my upper back so tight it felt like I was squeezing the bench with it. The weight flew up and felt significantly lighter. Tried to replicate it on subsequent sets but didn’t feel the same. Wish I would have filmed it to see what exactly I was doing right.
Sep. 15
Rows x8 mins
Tuck holds x7 mins
Rower HIIT x 14 mins
Sep. 17
BW: 232.4
Waist: 39"
275x4 @6
295x4 @7
315x4 @8
315x4 @8.5
315x4 @8.5
200x4 @7
220x4 @8
240x4 @9
235x4 @9
230x4 @9
2 count paused deadlift:
315x4 @7
345x4 @8
375x4 @9?
375x4 @9?
Squats felt loose at the bottom, like I’m going too deep maybe. Thought about tightening belt since my waist has gone down a bit but decided to reassess next week. Paused deadlifts suck. Pausing sucks. Getting the bar moving again after the pause sucks. Think I might be overestimating the RPE due to high degree of suck.