Supplement Exercises in Hypertrophy Template

In my spreadsheet, the supplement exercises say 2x/wk in the volume prescription, but they only appear once per week. When should we do the second round of a given supplement exercise during the week? Or is this a typo?

Hello and welcome! Are you referring to Hypertrophy i? It has supplemental work to do at the end of each lifting session and then it has GPP work that should be done twice a week, and that GPP can be on any day you choose.

I was actually referring to Hypertrophy II, but I’m sure the same applies. Under the supplement exercise such as “DB Lateral Raises” my spreadsheet say something like “2 sets x 12-15 reps @ RPE 8-9, 2x/wk” The very last part “2x/wk” is throwing me off. Maybe this was updated and I’m looking at an older copy?

I’m looking at the overview tab, by the way.

Ah yes, and thanks for clarify where you are looking. That truly helps me a lot! The 2x is a typo and an updated copy is should be available when you log into your account on the site.