So I recently started experimenting with sumo deadlifting and have found it to feel very natural for me over conventional. I have super long femurs and a very short torso and for whatever reason the conventional pull just never seemed to “click” as much as sumo has. My question is in regards to supplemental pulls, now that I have switched over to sumo pulling should my accessory/supplemental pulls be done sumo or conventional still? My thoughts were that it probably doesn’t much matter as I’m still developing pulling strength but I wanted to ask if for block pulls or exercises like that I should do sumo then something like an RDL in a conventional stance?
My recommendation is to perform exercises like block pulls, rack pulls, deficit deadlifts, pause deadlifts, and deadlifts w/ bands or chains with your competition stance. These exercises fall under the Specific Developmental Exercise (SDE) category on the Bondarchuk exercise classification system, meaning that they are very specific to the competition movement but may be altered in some small ways. Technique improvement and sport-specific practice are the main benefits of these exercises so they must be performed with a technique that is as close as possible to the competition movement technique.
Exercises like Romanian deadlifts and stiff-leg deadlifts can be performed with a conventional stance. These exercises fall under the Specific Preparatory Exercise (SPE) category on the Bondarchuk exercise classification system, meaning that they do not train the competition movement but do train the same muscle groups. Hypertrophy is the main benefit of these exercises in the context of a powerlifting or strength training program so they don’t have to be performed with the same stance as long as they train the same muscle groups.
Okay perfect thank you!