Target protein intake

I’m a 69-year-old male, 165 pounds. I assume I’m pretty much anabolically resistant, based on my age and modest training results of 250/180/340/105 pounds after 8 years.

For quite a while I’ve been aiming for 200 grams of protein daily (approximately 2.7 g/kg), based on the 1.6 to 3.1 g/kg recommendation I’ve seen on this site, together with my perceived anabolic resistance. In your newer materials, though, I’ve been seeing a lower recommendation of 1.4 to 1.6 g/kg daily. Given that, would I be more prudent to target a lower protein intake such as 120 g, which would be 1.6 g/kg?

Hey Jim,

Thanks for the post. Hope you’re doing well. I think anywhere in the 120 to 200 grams per day range would be fine for you. I suspect there may be some tweaks to make with your training for further progress, but I did want to commend you on your progress so far. A 2x + bodyweight deadlift is nothing to sneeze at!

Hope this helps.


Aw shucks! Thanks for the recommendation and encouragement, Jordan.