I have a few questions regarding the hypertrophy template and possible modifications thereof.
The first question is, is it a bad idea for someone already training 4 days a week (let’s say 12 week strength) to switch to a 3 days per week program (all other things being equal), presumably reducing training volume?
And if so, would it be possible to modify the hypertrophy template to be run at 4 days a week (so that Week 2 Day 1 would end up falling on Week 1 Day 4, and so on and so forth, basically shortening the template by a week)? Or similarly, if someone just preferred to train 4 days a week would this be advisable? Would appreciate any input.
A decrease in frequency isn’t necessarily a bad move for short periods of time and the actual volume may or may not be decreasing, you know?
I wouldn’t end up spreading out the hypertrophy template to 4x/wk in this situation, as it wouldn’t address the potential decrease in training stress, if present.
Basically, I don’t know what you’re doing right now and it’s unlikely that you’re training stress is > the hypertrophy template right now, but if it is and you need more stress then I would modify the template.
You say increasing the frequency to 4x/wk wouldn’t address the potential decrease in training stress. Could you elaborate on that possibly? I’m not sure I understand.