Template Recommendation & Equipment

I’m looking to buy one of your templates but am struggling to know which one will be best for my fitness status, goals, and equipment availability. I’m 42, male, and have been barbell training consistently with SS and HLM programs from Practical Programming for Strength Training for about 3 years. I feel like I’ve been making marginal progress in the last year or so. My current maxes are:

Squat: 305 lb
Bench: 210 lb
Deadlift: 335 lb

I’m somewhat overweight (waist circumference of 38 inches), so I don’t want to gain any weight. I am in a pretty good routine of tracking my macros and hoping to drop 10-12 lb in a relatively slow way (300-500 kcal deficit/day), mostly for health but also for aesthetic reasons.

My main strength focus is to build strength on SBD. I’m also trying to reach or exceed the minimum aerobic training recommendations this year. I got a heart rate watch and am tracking my moderate and vigorous minutes spent jogging, biking (outside or on a trainer), or hiking in steep terrain. I’m currently lifting 3x/week and doing LISS (mostly zone 2 that isn’t very fatiguing) and occasional intervals 3x week. I can commit 60 minutes per day to training with something closer to 90 minutes one day per week.

In terms of equipment, I have a basic home setup with power rack, barbell, plates, and a flat bench. No dumbbells or machines, and I don’t really want to get a gym membership.

Any recommendations on the right template? I was considering the Powerbuilding I, but I’m not sure I have the equipment based on the preview and the description isn’t very clear on alternatives.



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Welcome to the forum :slight_smile: Thanks for being here. I think the new Time Crunch template would be ideal for you. The download comes with 6 templates and of them, I’d favor the the 4-day time cap strength version or train everyday version. It should be available for sale by Monday of next week.

Powerbuilding I would also work, as it does not require any specialized equipment. I feel similarly about almost all of our templates, save for the bodybuilding ones. While they (the bodybuilding templates) can be done with basic equipment, I think they benefit from having access to more equipment.



Thanks Jordan, I appreciate it.