Goodmorning, I have another question about PB Gen 1. Next week is week 10 for me, then test week. Inwas looking ahead to test week, and it hit me, ive never done a true test day, or meet stimulation. I feel comfortable working up to a single at 8, so I think progressing to RPE 10 will be fine. That said, the template says rest as needed.
Id imagine thays because needed rest is different for everyone. That said, is there some general guidance you could provide. Primarily interested in how much rest between attempts is typical at a meet or in this setting. I typically take 3 min rests between work sets, but in this setting, i would think maybe 5 minutes is more appropriate, but maybe its more. I have no idea, lol.
Thanks again,
Good question!
I would not use time between attempts at a meet for rest periods, as they’re generally way too long for practical use. I’d just set a timer to 5-minutes and go for it. If you wanted to take a minute or two more, that’s fine…but I think longer than that is mostly unproductive.
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Thanks, 5 min timer it is. A few additional questions, im probably over thinking the test week, since its not for a meet or anything, but my 1st time maxing and really want to perform as well as I can.
As far as warm up, Im assuming work up to an @8 like I normally would, which in this block includes a single @7 to guage the single @8, or do you try and conserve a little bit by jumping from say and @6 to the @8.
Also, is there any guidance you can give on strategy for picking the 3 singles for each lift?
My E1RM for Squat Bench Deadlift based on my last week of singles @8 this week were 401 pounds, 239 pounds, and 415 pounds. I know the template gives percentage ranges, but would be interested in any guidance you have for weight selection on test day. I would think that to light of an opener makes it harder to guage were you’re at, but to heavy an opener is too fatiguing. Same thought for the 2nd lift, maybe want it to be a good lift, incase you miss the 3rd lift, but to heavy and it impacts the 3rd lift?
Again, im probably overthinking this, but trying to develop a game plan so I feel good going into test day, any thoughts you have would be appreciated.
On the bright side, my goal at the start of the block was the 1,000 pound club, and I think im going to shatter it, regardless of how well I perform, lol.
Yea, I can understand wanting to put your best foot forward for the test week.
I don’t really have a ton of additional guidance regarding attempt selection other than what you stated here. The prescribed RPE’s are reasonable proxies for how hard your attempts should be, with the percentages giving you a ballpark for loading. I favor using the percentages and most recent e1RM for your first attempt, rating the RPE, and then going from there. I would not routinely recommend working up to a single @ 7 as the last warm-up, favoring something a bit lighter (6.5 or 6) and/or within ~ 8-10% of your planned 1st attempt.
Just my 0.02.
Awesome, all very helpful. I’ll go like 90% to 92% for my first single, and 90% of that for my last warm up, and go from there based on how I feel. Excited for it.
Thanks again,