The Bridge

Am I only doing main movements with belt and their variations beltless? I am doing Rack Pulls with a belt. I also use straps on all my pulls. Should I keep using straps if I plan on not competing?
Can I train with straps and do grip work later on?


Rack pulls are a supplemental movement, so would be done beltless unless there’s a specific individual indication for using the belt (e.g., history of, or current, back issues)

We don’t care whether you use straps or not, as long as you don’t care about being able to hold on to a true 1RM deadlift without straps in the future.

Austin, I am doing Barbell Rows this way:
Bar over mid foot, bend my back, grab the bar, bend the knees until shins touch the bar, chest up, keep back straight, basically this is how I deadlift too, I keep the back in the same position the whole pull, I pull the bar up until it hits low chest and then I restart from the ground. I am only doing the concentric part of the movement. Also for cardio I am only doing bicycle, I have an elliptical, treadmill and stair machine so I thought a bike would be the best. Is there any other type of cardio I can do other than the bike and can I do grip work after each of my workout and still use straps on pulls?

The bike is fine, and preferred over the treadmill.

I answered your grip question above. You can do as much “grip work” as you want.

Why not just pull comp deadlifts without straps? There, you did your “grip work” in a super specific way.

What about the way I am doing Barbell Rows, are they fine?
Are barbell rows the same as Rip discussed them in his Video on YT?

Usually the row needs to be set up a tiny bit forward of the mid-foot, because if you set it up like a deadlift the shins are in the way of you pulling it straight up to the chest.

And we don’t use the supinated grip.