Thoughts on the Bridge 3.0 + Swimming 3 days a week?

Didn’t mean to go swimming instead of GPP days but it happened anyway.

I have been going swimming for 5 months and I’ve been through the Bridge 3.0 for 4 weeks.

I remember Jordan’s words saying like swimming can hurt the progress. It’s not a good replacement for GPP.

What if I still want to go swimming 3 days a week, do I need to modify the Bridge 3.0 a little bit or just keep going?

I actually don’t know if swimming makes a bad influence to the lifting because we use RPE but I rather feel the lifting makes swimming hard(exhausted on the swimming days).

Additionally, 5 months of experience is my entire experience for swimming.

I said that swimming isn’t the best GPP for people whose primary interest is to improve their strength. I also said that most folks are very inefficient with their swimming, which extracts a higher cost for the realized benefit from conditioning.

I wouldn’t swim 3x/wk and do the Bridge 3.0 if I had a choice to tell someone what to do, but if it’s what you want to do you’ll be fine.