Time between Deadlift reps and breathing

After watching Alan’s recent video on the unnecessarily long time between deadlift reps, I realized I was doing the same.
In my last workout, I focused on getting the time down to a very brief pause. I was best able to do this if I took a breath and re-braced at the top.

I remember in some SS instructional videos they explicitly said not to breath at the top, only at the bottom because of the tension you are still under at the top of the lift. This honestly doesn’t make much sense to me since bracing is for the prevention of spinal flexion, not the spinal compression you would be under at the top of the lift. It can’t be much different from breathing at the top of a squat.

TLDR: Is it ok to breath and re-brace at the top of the Deadlift or am I missing something?

It sounds like what you are describing is getting closer to Touch and Go DLs, and we don’t generally prefer those. There can be a place for them, but we’d prefer you quickly reset on the floor. That way you are practicing and maintaining the same pulling position with each rep.

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Good point about the touch and go’s, trying to reduce the time could tend in that direction and I will be cognizant to avoid it.
My main issue is that I found it fairly easy to take a breath at the top without a long pause or losing overall tension. To take a breath at the bottom, I felt like I had to release all my tension.
Once I was at the bottom with no tension, I felt like needed to take a few breaths not one quick one, reset all my body positions, think about queues, etc. This is very much like what Alan described in this video: https://youtu.be/InotACyhKeU.
Perhaps it is more behavioral than anything else.

Regardless of my current issue, I’m still interested in the fundamental question of whether there is something unsafe about breathing at the top of the deadlift.

I think if you breathe both at the top and the bottom it will take you more time in total for a set than if you were just breathing at the bottom.

I also used to take loooong breaks between reps when deadlifting for not just breathing, bracing and tightening but also kinda to mentally prepare for each rep. I generally stopped doing this automatically once I started upping my deadlift volume as often promoted here. I guess it just comes naturally when having to do multiple sets.