For the past year or so I’ve been dealing with an uncomfortable tingling sensation around my sacrum/tailbone area. It isn’t a sharp pain, but almost like an old static CRT TV, if that makes sense. I pretty much always feel it during my heavy squat or deadlift sets, and it gets worse as I get close to my 1RM. I set aside a couple of weeks where I cut my volume and intensity down a lot thinking I might just be carrying too much fatigue. Sadly, the static feeling slowly started to come back as I gradually returned back to my normal training. I haven’t been using a belt for probably 6 months hoping that reducing the absolute intensity would help, but it hasn’t. Finally, I started the new low fatigue template about a month ago hoping it would be a breath of fresh air, but still running into the same issue (Finishing the first block in a few days, hopefully future blocks will be better). I record myself during my sets all the time and I don’t think there are any glaring issues with my form. Also, I think I gage my RPE ratings pretty well, and if anything, I’m probably undershooting more than overshooting. I’m 22 Male at 175lbs, have stayed around the same weight for the past year or so, I sleep well, eat well, stress is decently managed, and I don’t know what to do. Slowly falling out of love with strength training and haven’t made any progress in the past year since I feel like I’m constantly being bottle necked by this. Any guidance would be awesome. Thank you.