tingling from peri-workout supplement

Hello BBM,
Great stuff, thanks for all the hard work and excellent content!
I live in the UK and recently started taking a DIY Peri-Rx. I get very uncomfortable tingling (and other paraesthesiae) that can last a couple of hours. I gather this is most likely from beta-alanine (currently 3.2g per serving for me, first time ever taking any form of workout supplements).
Other than slowing the rate of absorption, would you have any tips for this?
I’m not concerned, but it’s sufficiently bothersome that I’m considering taking beta-alanine out (assuming this is the culprit).

Yep, most likely the b-alanine. You can try splitting it into smaller doses and/or consuming it more slowly to see if this helps with symptoms. Alternatively, you could skip it and be fine too!