Tingling Pinky fingers

First time posting on here and I just want to say thank you guys very much for your content it had helped me a lot in life.

Well I just want to ask about the problem I have with both my pinky fingers. Problem seems to only come to me at night when laying in bed. I wake up from it multiple times very annoying. I do not know what they call it in English but we call it a sleeping hand/fingers. I only have it in the pinkys and the part of the hand below that. Problem seems to be worse when I trained that day. I do ohp as a main pressing movement at the moment. I am an early intermediate and I press 8 heavy sets a week and some floor press.

I am 25 year old male not over or underweight and have no other symptoms.

I would love your opinion on this as it is getting very annoying and I am a bit worried reading it could lead to strength loss in my hands.

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards

This may be something like an ulnar tunnel syndrome or a cubital tunnel syndrome, but hard to say based on this information alone - could be something else. You may benefit by experimenting with some grip modifications on your pressing movements or perhaps some direct grip work. If the symptoms are persistent or worsening, it would be reasonable to pursue a remote consult with our rehab team or with a clinician in your area.

Thank you very much for the quick response!