To be a beast - lean vs total body mass

Just finished the 3 day hype template with good results (all lifts up overall and work capacity increased). I didn’t really focus on nutrition just ate to satisfaction and avoided junk. I’m now switching to the 4 day hype template and going into calorie deficit (summer shred right).

I’m currently 188lbs (5’ 6") at around 25% BF. Onling tools show my LBM at 144lbs. 1. Should I use my LBM or TBM to work out my calories? I’ve heard others suggesting to use my target weight instead.
2. And with that answer should I use the ‘recomp’ or ‘fat loss’ multipliers to start with? Thanks

  1. I would use total body weight to calculate calories unless you know what you’ve been eating, in which case I’d make changes from that number.
  2. Depends on what you want to do with your body weight and composition primarily.
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Thanks Jordan, my goal is fat loss but since either multiplier will be lower than my current intake, is there any benefit of one over the other.

Are fat loss and body recomp not really the same thing? I don’t care what the scale says for example.

The starting points are rather arbitrary, but I would pick the smaller deficit first if I had to pick.

Fat loss usually also means weight loss, whereas recomp is more of a weight maintenance situation.

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