Hi! I have just come back from a trip where i stacked a cold and a tourista on top of each other. I haven’t eaten properly for about a week and lost about 10 pounds (probably some from dehydration).
I have just started to train again today and started the GPP hypertrophy. My performance was pathetic and was far from reaching the prescribed % that i calculated based on the 1RM i had tested the week before being sick.
I was wondering if this decrease in strength is most likely temporary or if i have simply become weaker. Should i throw my recently tested 1RM to the trash can as unuseful information or are those numbers gonna be relevant again soon? Should i restart the program when i’m back to where i was or should i use my new pathetic performance as my new baseline.
I’m sorry if that kind of question have been asked and answered before. I thank the BBmedecine team for your astounding work.