Trap bar deadlift Grip issue

I have been using the trap bar deadlift for a while with great success. But since going back to college, the facilities there have them but without any knurling. I have tried using chalk as always but still can’t seem to get a grip. Any idea on how I can still get a grip and be able to complete the lifts. Thanks.

Ah yes, the memory of my college gym brings back visions of baby-bottom-smooth barbells. Woof. In any case, straps would be the move here.

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which ones would you recommend I get?

I like the IronMind Sew-EZ straps.

these will work with the trap bar as well?

Can confirm.

I can now confirm after using them for the first time that damn the trap bar didnt want to leave my hand. I was able to get 295 which was what I intended