Best lifting straps?

Anybody have any good recommendations for lifting straps?

I use the Iron Mind Strong Enough straps which seem to do the job. I think Jordan/Austin use the same brand, and Austin specifically uses this make.

I’ve been using the harbinger hook kind , they’re not a strap but actual small metal hooks and they work great.

Has anyone used those EZ straps?

I use the IronMind Sew Easy and love them. I believe Jordan also uses these.

I made my own, similar to the sew easy style, and I like them a lot. Followed these instructions:

I made something like this:

Only that I superglued the ends, not taped them. Works really well on the deadlift and row, and they were like 50 cents to make.

I got a 1 meter long strap, cut it in half and glued the ends of the 50cm straps. For my hands, I would have probably could have used 60cm on each, but nothing you can’t work around. I really like how easy it is to put them on the bar mid-set and take them off at the end of the set.

I had some like Rip recommends, but I made mine too short and I didn’t like how hard they were to get wrapped around the bar with one hand. I bought leather ones from Pioneer that I like a lot more.

Thanks for all the recommendation. I made some out of a used tow rope that was in good shape; I went with 22 inches long and sewed two inches together at the end with upholstery grade thread and they seem to hold pretty well.