I am curious to the reasoning behind the anaerobic intervals on some of the programming templates? For example, in the Hypertrophy template there are intervals 1x/week. What is the reasoning behind this? If it is to improve conditioning for lifting why not just add more stress via lifting? Wouldn’t this be more specific?
I typically take two 30-40min. walks with my 19month old son each day. He weighs about 30lbs and I carry him in a backpack. My heart rate does not get above 100-110 when I do this, but it is a fair amount of aerobic work. Would you still recommend the aerobic GPP work assuming my main goal is strength primary and hypertrophy secondary? How about if my goal was fat loss and overall health/ well-being?
From my understanding, you need to reach a certain HR to promote cardiac output development and I doubt I am getting this.