Unilateral Work

Hey there,

I’ve recently enjoyed and listened to the podcast with Greg Nuckols, during the chat a brief mention of Split Squats was made. In light of research showing partial ROM squats may be useful for instance for sport specific prep, is there a case to be made for any unilateral training or is it still generally not worth the investment if already covering basic bilateral work

Depends on the outcome you’re wanting to improve, right?

Getting strength is specific vibes…

To be honest, I’ve just had it ingrained for so long that unilateral work corrects “dysfunction” and prevents injury although I know that isn’t the case.

For the past year I’ve stuck strictly to the variants in BBM templates and pretty much avoided any unilateral work and simply buckled down on form. My measurements (tape and scan) show more symmetry between either side and my form looks better.

It was just interesting hearing it discussed by the BBM crew and Greg Nuckols, as I value the work highly.

Thanks for the input!