Warm up question

Hey everyone. I am doing the Strength I template and love it so far. The thing I have noticed that I want to get better at but unsure how to do so, is the warm up. I finished SSLP and started with an empty bar. I see with the template that I have 9 lifts to fill the sheet and some of my warm ups look like I’m making jumps too close than really far and all over the place. For example the intensity goes from 24%, 51%, 59%, 65%, 73%, 75%, 81%. Which in numbers look like, 45, 95,110,120,135,140,150. While other times like the Deadlift I can’t figure out where to start. I can’t DL a 45lbs bar alone and adding weight I just don’t know how much to start with without over shooting the 9 sets.

So my question, How does everyone warm up?

For bench I usually go 45 (10), 95 (5), 135 (5), 185 (5), 225(2-3), then working weight

For Squat I use a similar approach but do 5 reps at 225 and 2-3 reps at 275 .

For Deadlift by contrast I usually start at 135. Then I usually jump to 225. Then to 275. All three sets are for 5 reps. I usually go directly into working weight from there.

For the overhead press I usually just do one warmup set of 5-8 reps at 95 pounds. Sometimes, but not often I will do a second warmup set at a higher weight.

Hi Wicat, What template are you using and can you give me a specific example of your warm up for one lift-like the squat or DL?

Sure I am running Strength I. Here is some of the lifts and warm up\working sets

Deadlift w/belt
5 x 175
5 x 195
3 x 210
3 x 255
1 x 260
1 x 275 @ 9
5 x 235 @ 9
5 x 230 @ 9
5 x 230 @ 8

Squat with Belt
5 x 45
5 x 85
5 x 130
3 x 175
3 x 215
1 x 260 @ 9
5 x 235 @ 9
5 x 230 @ 9
5 x 230 @ 9.5

Thanks, so to clarify, we don’t plan on you logging your warm up sets, so the fact that there are certain number of logging fields doesn’t affect your warm up.

I’d just start with the bar and 45s

245x1 (I’d take a single closer to your top single so you actually have a single to judge the day’s single @8 plan with)

So it’s mainly that you don’t need those warm up sets so close to your working weight. Start lighter.