Warming up for singles followed by sets in The Bridge

I’m currently in week 5 of The Bridge and looking ahead at week 6. I see there’s a number of lifts programmed along the lines of: “Squat w/ belt 1 rep @ 8, 4 rep @ 8 x 3 sets”

I imagine my warming up to the single to look something like:
empty bar x 5 reps x 3-4 sets
95 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
240 x 1
260 x 1 @ 8

Should I do additional warmup reps between the single and the sets? Or should I use the percentages in the RPE table to calculate the “expected” 4 @ 8?


You don’t need any additional warmup reps between the single and sets, no. The latter is a good approach, though I’ll sometimes round that calculated number down by 5 lbs or so to avoid overshooting, especially if the sets are programmed “across”.

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Makes sense - thank you!