Warming up on meet day/mock meet day?

I looked around and didn’t’ really see this discussed so wanted to ask, what is your warmup strategy on a meet day or for 1RM test?

I understand your recommended approach is to warmup using the prescribed working rep range for the day e.g. warm 135x7, warm 185x7, 225x7, working set 275x7.

My question is, how does your philosophy change for a single or for meet day? Surely I wouldn’t want to gas myself doing sets of 5s for example right up until I hit the platform or test my 1rm no? Would I use the same approach just using my working rep range as a single? e.g. empty bar x1, 135x1, 185x1, etc.?

The approach doesn’t really change, e.g. most of the warm-ups will now be singles if testing a 1RM. This is usually after a few token sets with the barbell and maybe a set of 5 with 135 or similar.

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Do you do anything to try and “stay warm” body temp wise between lifts and downtime?