What program should I begin after finishing the bridge 1.0?

I’m just finishing the first 8 week bridge program and am trying to decide what next. I was thinking about the time crunch plan, as I’m just starting a new job and am trying to figure a schedule out. Also, I need to cut 100lbs within the next two years to qualify for military.

bridge 2.0

Another option is HLM

Snip from HLM template:
“If you’re an intermediate just coming off the Bridge V1.0 or 2.0, but who isn’t quite ready for the 12 Week Strength Template then I would recommend doing HLM.”

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I started the GPP Hypertrophy template to cut some weight ~5-10lbs. Another candidate for weight loss would be the GPP Endurance template.

I am planning on GPP Endurance or GPP Hypertrophy. As much I don’t want to I will probably do the form to loose some bodyfat quickly. Then may do The Bridge 1 again or The Bridge 2.

Snip from the OP:
“Also, I need to cut 100lbs within the next two years to qualify for military.”

Many on these forums seem to have recovery problems while GAINING weight on HLM. While I haven’t run it myself, looking at the intensity requirements, I feel very confident in saying it’s a terrible idea while in calorie deficit.

To the OP: If you need to cut 100 lbs in 2 years and you’re serious about that as a hard requirement, you need to start yesterday. There are only 105 weeks left. I’d probably run GPP Endurance followed by GPP Hypertrophy and cut very aggressively right away. After that I’d cycle a strength template while maintaining weight or being in only a slight deficit with whichever GPP template you liked more/responded better to while cutting aggressively.

I’m three weeks into that now (hyper), pretty much does what it says on the box. Trading my morning blueberry / oats / milk / whey shake (around 800 cal) for a 80 cal apple is about the only dietary change I’ve made. Running it specifically due to an upcoming trip to Japan so I can lug baggage and children around without gassing out.
I plan to re gain the weight by way of beer, soba noodles and much Yakitori by journeys end.