When to start training after boil/furuncle was removed?

Hey Dres,

I had a boil/furuncle (surgeon said it was an infected perspiratory gland) in my left armpit - which was removed Saturday morning. Now I got the open wound/hole (she said about 2 - 2.5cm) in my armpit.

The surgeon obv said no sport, reason being the movement would hinder the healing process.

Monday I went to the hospital for the 2nd check-up. The surgeon said it looks really good and with a little bit of luck she got everything out and another operation (with full anesthesia might not be needed).

I do have pictures of my armpit and of what was cut out - in case you need/want to see it.

Question would be:

What’s your take on when to start to lift again? I was on the bridge and finished week 6 last Friday). I thought I might just replace the press with another bench variation. Everything else shouldn’t put too much of a “stretch” to the wound.

I discussed this with the surgeon and said: Well, obv your job requires you to give risk averse recommendations, but I’m definitely not going to wait 6 weeks or longer till everything is healed up 100%. So what’s actually going to happen if I train after a break of only a few days?

She gave me like an annoyed / funny look and said: Well, what can I say, it’s going to hinder the healing, just try your best not to “rip open” the wound again.

Thank you for your help :wink:

We can’t give those sorts of recommendations here, sorry.